Thursday, May 14, 2009


How would we feel if we succeed in every walk of our life? Any activity we take up be it on our career front or personal life…. If we’re successful and if that success gets recognized, we’re absolutely happy and overwhelmed.

On such a series of success story from your end, there’s a sudden failure or hit or recession in your life, would you be able to accept it? Would you have the courage to face this challenge? Would you be able to digest the fact that you have failed for the first time!!!!!
This is because, not having seen a failure before and to encounter such a horror for the first time, you can never handle it…

Success can be enjoyed with happiness but it can be celebrated when you have faced so many hurdles and failures before achieving it!
This is so true…
No all successful women/men are happy… that’s what they say.
But those who have crossed miles before reaching “there” would know the value of this success…

How is it that they can handle that success with grace?
That’s because of the failures they faced… we should face failures in order to understand and realize what success is…

Parents and grandparents say about a one year kid who just started walking “Let him fall down and get hurt, then only he’ll become strong and would know how to walk properly”
This holds good for all ages… only when we fall at some point and get the taste of failure, we can become strong and achieve something bigger!

Failure causes an urge to win… the efforts and commitment to achieve it should increase exponentially.

When there’s a stroke of failure in anything we take up, we tend to say “It’s the worst period of my life and I’m not able to succeed in anything even though I have taken the best efforts I can”
Is it true? Can your stars and sentiments influence your success rate?
I’m not aware of that but this is the only way to console oneself for his/her failure.
Sometimes this might be misleading and people might not fight back their failure. That shouldn’t be the case though!!

There are people who face such failure with vigour for they have the taste of failure and the confidence and experience to get over that.

Thus every individual should fail atleast once so that they never forget the “taste of failure” and can strive harder towards success!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The power of Women

Men exclaim when they say or hear WOMEN….

Some say… Women????
She’s indeed still a question to many including her.

Women are very special. I’m not saying this just because I’m one, but the happenings around me has changed my opinion about Women.
I used to think why am I born as a girl?! For if I was a guy, I could get complete freedom for going out anywhere I want and at anytime (most important)… I need not get permission from my parents also for that.
But look at the pathetic condition of girls… they have to get permission to even go to a beauty clinic L [this is ofcourse the most essential element in a women’s life J ]

This is not only when they are single, but even after marriage this situation continues except the change that the one to permit her is her in-laws and husband (twice the trouble now!!)

Women dream a lot… this is the complain from men…
Yes so true… women are not so practical. They unnecessarily get emotional at times and they over react to such situations.
But the truth is, women let out her feelings but men don’t (just for a comparison).

But in the end, women are the ones who shoulder her husband/other men of her family when they are in deep trouble…
Contrary to what it is, men turn out to be emotionally weaker!!!

In a day, the number of problems she faces is numerous and when she pours it out to someone she feels a lot more relieved and hence she is termed emotionally weak!
I’ve read in books which biological proves and states that women can think 100s of things at a time. For eg, when she’s at work, she doesn’t just do her task but also behind in her mind there number of thoughts kindling her from the fight she would have had with her husband previous night, her worry if her kid has reached school and if he/she took his lunch, is the gas turned off, if she could manage the month’s expenses within budget, if her mother was fine and worried that she wasn’t able to meet her for weeks being in the same town etc etc.

Not just married women have these, the unmarried also have so many thoughts… be it from their worry about their future or her parents or her friends and the problems with them or her boss!!!!!

It’s simple… she great at multi tasking and she manages them all with ease!

Women face so many other hurdles in her life from harassment to health problems.
Whatever role given to her she takes it up and does it with such simplicity and she never regrets for what she has got.

As a mother, as a wife, as a daughter, as an associate, as a manager, as a daughter-in-law, as a sister and ofcourse as a friend, she is what she is today!!

Why she can be a worthy entrepreneur too!!

She satisfies everyone around her and sacrifices even her small dreams for them. Maybe not all women are career oriented but the few who are, never fail in their personal life too. Women know to balance them.

There are exceptions in everything but the number of such “exceptional women” is just countable. There are innumerous who have sacrificed their life for the society. They can do wonders!

I don’t have to quote names of such great women for the world knows about them and looks high upon such down to earth ladies.

Today we cannot find a dimension or field in which women haven’t explored. We participate in every sector of work and the life style they lead is commendable!!

Women have no bounds in this world now except the insecurity caused by the same race – humans!

The fellow human beings need to respect an individual be it a male or female….
There can never be another person who can replace a woman in our family or life.

As the saying goes… “A daughter is a daughter for life, a son, a son till he gets his wife!”
A woman she’s herself till her death and all the criticisms that she gets will never weaken her….

Thus today, I’m proud to call myself a woman and to be a part of this highly respected community.

Three cheers to all the ladies in this world.
Three cheers to all the men who have realized this.Three cheers to all the mothers in this world.Three cheers to me for having been able to experience this….

This is the power of women…