Thursday, December 9, 2010

Special people

Yesterday, I met this person at the cafeteria who has inspired me to write this.
Let me describe him first which would give an idea as to why I chose this title!
A man who must be in his 30s, height of a dwarf with some ailments. He wasn't able to stand straight. Weak legs and damaged back. My description could be a little hard, but that's how he was.

My God, the first impression I got on seeing him, what confidence and perseverance he must be having. Working in an IT field, a job which is not just highly paid but also the most wanted. The crowd here is massive and he dint really care about it. Walked in with a pride and helped himself get onto the chair. I was surprised!

You don't even have to interact with achievers to gain motivation, on just seeing such “special people” with special qualities, you can feel there's a lot more in our life to achieve.
The positive energy that they bring in is more. Their simple presence helps us!

Its not that they should be some kind of a statue to give their presence but a motivation in disguise!
We must realize how blessed we are to have everything fine(not just physically) but still we complain on our small failures and rejections.

I had visited this hospital once where people had come to get some certificate from the doctor on their ailment. I can still feel them in my eyes, their difficultly only to commute. Still determined to get their life going!

Now, all this shows how blessed we are. And lets stop complaining on the little things around and learn from the people around us!

Live and let live!

1 comment:

  1. Yes true. Everyone has something special in their life but in different forms. So we should also stop comparing us with someone, rather compare self only to self and see the growth.
