Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Oh!!! its the last day of 2013???!!!!

2013, yes… it’s going to get over and today is the last day of this year…
Usually every New Year as it begins and the previous year ends, I get excited, but somehow today I feel it’s just another day!!!!!!!!!

Why so?
Getting old gets us practical? Or is it that the other things which are more important take priority…
I wish I had an answer… something missing. No idea what?!!

December 31, 2013 …. A day to remember? When I looked at the calendar today, it made me realize I never even noticed we are nearing the end of a year, where a lot of things happened in my life this year…

This year is special to me for several reasons. Still, something feels vacant, with no excitement for the New Year coming. Every time I try to cheer myself up with this, I feel am forcing me to do so.

“It’s never the same” … I keep repeating this to myself.

2013 – I really don’t know what happened in the outside world that I was concentrating so much on myself and the things happening around in my life.
Life must move on so does the days and the calendar.

 So 2013, am sorry that I have nothing great to take forward expect for a few important life changing event in my life. Even though, a life changing event, am worried and wondering what’s gonna happen next and how am gonna handle it.

So …. Bbye 2013….

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dear Diary?

Today was a different day for me indeed. I did have the habit of entering my daily diary.But in the last 2 years I have never done that at all. But I decided to have a

look at my old ones and to my surprise or horror... man my life has been soooo boring!!
The same problems, same complains for 5 years??? That's a lot.. and I even realized that I hadn't changed a bit in my thoughts but just that I stopped entering them on

a daily basis maybe because I was lazy to write the same thing?!!!

I read through some of my pages and I had cribbed about the same happenings, there are hardly few entries with happy days and how would I know with the many many 1000

pages I had written in ages.
I literally decided to trash them away!!
Yes; I started tearing away every page I had written; some were blank and I felt so bad for wasting that paper...

There are times in life we would like to look back who we were and where we stand now , right?
But its a nightmare to know that you have not changed in areas you wanted to change. The "I" and "conscious" factor in us know this... that I have become worse!!

Am not ashamed to admit this because if I don't now; I would never...

Since schooling we are taught to write our diary but we must also learn what to write in that because the impact on it after years is huge like this.
Writing good things and challenges in your day to day life helps you in knowing where you stand and what needs to be done next. There is no use sulking about things

not in your hands especially PEOPLE!
Some learning are to yourself and I too learnt tons from my diary today... and what to write what not to write.
Its more than the writing, I realized where I have been wrong and the mistakes I have been doing which requires an immediate action for correction from me!!

So today, I tore away all my old written diaries and I feel a relief within me.
Yes its the same feeling that I saw in movies too when they burn their x's photo or phone number or anything old and unnecessary bad memories!

Maybe its a good step to see a new us! It wont happen over night; its a slow process but at least a start by throwing away bad memories carrying only the learning out

of it.

Alright... its getting too serious now... So how many of you think its really worth penning your diary with every incident happening?
I believe I should still continue to pen my thoughts and feelings like this blog; but a little more personal. This will definitely help us be a better person not just

tomorrow; but EVERYDAY!

Diary is like music; some songs always remind us of people and incidents in life that took the bad path...

Friday, May 17, 2013

The point of no return

In life, we do make a lot of mistakes and lose our control. Earlier I used to think it was
only death which brought an end to a relationship with a person and that it was “the point
of no return”. At least that is how my life was…

But recently, a particular relationship taught me that an end and a point of no return came
even when the two people are around each other.
Some people in our life come and go; it doesn’t hurt us when those who leave are not
important to us. But when we consider someone important and they leave us, life seems
like a misery… a misfortune…

The reasons behind this partition could be any, from misunderstandings to fights or sheer
understanding to let go the person. Could be anything!!!!!!!!

But the truth hits us hard when we realize that, that person is no more part of your life…
It did for me. THE POINT OF NO RETURN to the relationship we shared.

Many times we try to work out things, to change or what ever. But it’s not possible.
Maybe it’s what we are and sometimes it’s how we react to what we get!

It could be lame to give reasons for our losses and mistakes but if we keep on blaming
our self, we will get no where!!

These are lessons and everything happens for a reason. I believe strongly in that!
There cannot be learning without a mistake and it cannot be a mistake while learning…

Believe me my friend, if a relationship is very important for you; never even get to “the
point of no return” by yourself for it might hurt you more than when it happens naturally.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Is it just a card?

Yesterday, I was just going through some of my old stuff and I found a dozen of greeting cards. It took me back years and wondered if I am even in touch with some of them.

Cards have words; but do those mean anything?

Some friends had given me “Friends Forever” cards and we aren’t even in touch today. But definitely it helped me in bringing back the memory who I was and what I am today.

The current emotions of a person are expressed as words and so do the cards have…

Indeed am very glad that those who gave me the cards were in that emotion and am thankful to them for having had the time and thought to get me one.

We should value these cards and treasure them for sometime, for when you’re all alone all by yourself; all you might have is these cards to kindle your good memories!

Maybe am not in touch with many of the friends who had shared such stuff with me in earlier years, but definitely we are there in each other’s memories and have learnt a lot through them. This is why they say maybe –

Life is like a book and every person you meet is a chapter!!

Some chapters end, some chapters are yet to begin…

And in every ending there is a new beginning…. :)
So let me not really criticize someone for sharing a card with just WORDS and take them as a gift to help me move on and make me feel who I was and where am I today….

And which I like better… because the choice of who you want to be is in your hands...

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Life is never a fairy tale

Life is never a fairy tale. Every moment has a surprise waiting for you…

Life always teaches you lessons in the toughest way possible. It cannot decide who you are but can show
you who you can become.
I personally value people and relationships the most in life and I realized the value of someone only
when they are not with me. Why did I even have to go the extent of making a mistake to come to this

Your rough patches in life reveal the worst in you that you yourself wouldn't have imagined.
On the positive side, it’s during these rough patches that you can see how much you value self with
confidence to fight over it.

It happened to me too. I felt so little about my actions. My behavior. It was new, I dint know I that's how I would react to it.
I always needed a motivation from someone who would support me. Someone who is close to me and
someone who would only say “You’re right Krupa”. We do go and seek for consolation only from such
people right… because no self is ready to accept he or she is wrong…

That’s when I asked myself – why no self-motivation?
And I answered myself -> when you are questioned about yourself by another person (not self), you
can have a reason to explain your actions but when you question YOURSELF about your actions, a self-
motivation is never possible. That’s when you seek a friend to understand who you are sometimes.

But please note my friend that, no amount of blaming can take you even a step forward.
These are just rough patches in life and I tell myself to get over them that – “No one can make you feel
inferior without your consent”.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Emotionally Tangled

What does emotion mean?
A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others

This is what the dictionary says….
It is indeed a feeling, an instinctive act of a living being reacting to a situation.

Each living react differently to the same situation is hand, sometimes.
This is the emotional quotient of him or her.

This EQ takes over the IQ of people in situations and that’s what I call Emotionally Tangled!
 I define Emotionally Tangled as a state of confusion whether to take a decision over a situation applying your emotions or intelligence.
This is completely objective and perspective to the situation in hand.

Women are considered to be the emotionally weaker gender. It is true because they get attached to people emotionally and any dejection is hard for her to accept.
However, the time she takes to get over an emotional breakdown could be faster than that of a male counterpart because she lets out her emotions whereas men keep it to themselves.

Medically, I have read that, this is the reason the number of men having heart attacks are more than of women. Men keep their emotions to themselves and end up getting stressed.

In today’s practical world, an emotional weakness is not good for any gender. It’s a fast growing society with changes being everywhere. So let’s not get attached to any emotional cluster and struggle to break free from it.

Relationships are important. Am stressing here only on the emotionally tangled situations which lead us to nowhere…

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Magic of Music

Every soul in this universe enjoys music. The kind of music each listen and enjoy might be different.

But the meaning of it that touches our heart is the same. She can be your best companion for all ages.

Some listen for sheer entertainment, some for peace and some for life!

I personally get all the three from it. There are things in this world which we cannot touch or see but can only feel and music is one such miracle!

The amount of happiness I get by listening to my favourite numbers during a travel is more than expressible. This is when I realized, true happiness lies with you.

Even the worst of your moods can be turned upside down by listening to your favorite song.

Music is in the aura! The space around us has music. The air that sweeps around us has music. The beach with its heavy wave’s gives music, the branches of the trees that sway its leaves gives music, the wind that gushes and swirls the mud gives music, our heart beat gives music, the birds gives music and there’s music even in silence!
Nature is so beautiful that the sense of hearing is given for all living beings to enjoy this!

People are instrumental in bringing out this music having seen what nature gives us. Some are blessed with great mesmerizing voice, some with abundant talent to create music from the seven basic keys of music in all forms!

I have always wondered how different tunes could be produced from the basic 7 keys! Amazing!

Creation of man at its best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The decibels that reach our heart from music are much more than what it gives your ears is my definition of music.

Music touches our soul, gives an inner meaning to an individual and helps in bringing out the best of one.
Indeed music is a blessing in our living to relive and energize ourselves! Just as love touches our hearts showing there’s something more in this materialistic world, so is music I believe.
Let’s cherish the magic moments of every form of music we enjoy and live life in chords!

Friday, February 1, 2013

What’s in a title!

When I started reading the book “Chick Soup for the soul, woman to woman”, I was expecting some stories that would give me a definition and purpose of reading that book.

But I was motivated even with the title of some of the stories owned by people. Then I recollected all the books and write ups that I have read and the ones I wrote too, to understand how much a title gives a reader.

A very attractive title pulls the reader to read the contents barring the length of it. It creates inquisitiveness in her to know how the title takes you along the passage…

The power of a title can be realized in blogs and such short stories piled together to make a reader read it!

Some titles which made me read were -

A touch of kindness, Taste of failure, Farewell to the queen of hearts ….

How a title is interpreted depends on the reader, the puzzle in it on what could the title say…

A writer on the other end can interpret her title and provide a meaning to it with her own words.

Indeed, writing is beautiful as much as the title given to it!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kid at salon

I was in a parlour last week and this cute girl child who had come with her mom for a haircut caught everyone’s attention there. She was really puny, with her face just as small as our palm. A little dark in complexion, clear face with tiny crying eyes. She was very tiny but her loud cry was in decibels and could have been heard by someone 10 blocks away!

She was covered with a yellow sheet on her to protect her from falling hair. The beautician who was cutting this girl’s hair whenever touched her face, this girl would cry loud saying leave me please.

The cutest thing about this cry was, she would constantly talk to this person who was cutting her asking questions and making comments. We watching them including the kid’s mom were on a roll.
Her voice was so sweet even when talking while crying.

And whenever she touched near the kid’s ear for a trim, the kid would yell in the top of her voice. And finally she was like… is it over now?!!
Very cute to see this kid who hated her haircut completely but probably giving an entertainment to everyone around her. Her mom had to hold her hands most of the time.
I checked with my sister who has 2 sons if her kids were also like this during a haircut. And yeah with no doubt it was the same!

And for guys they use that machine to roll over the head to cut hair which is worse!

Kids are always amusing when in any form of emotion!!

And we always have something to learn from them….

Monday, January 7, 2013

Welcome 2013

2012 – was quick with lot of things happening!
I just got used to 2012 and now we are in 2013. A quick year with lot of ups and downs in life.
Some of the events which caught my attention in 2012 are:
Earth quake and Tsunami alerts
Sachin becomes a member of Rajya Sabha
Retirement of Rahul Dravid and Laxman from international cricket
Pranab Mukherjee takes the post of President of India
London Olympics
Ajmal Kasab was hanged to death
Physcopath kills school students in US
Terrorism continues…

And finally the tragic harassment and death of a girl in Delhi which shook the country. Her perseverance and will to live even after going through this entire trauma, makes us realize what real bravery is!
May she rest in peace and let this awaken India with more respect for WOMEN!

On a personal front, 2012 has been a year with mixed emotions…
My career has been pretty good with a promotion and change in job profile.
Personally, I have learnt tons… and I have realized how much I have grown as a person. Also the things I need to change in me to form a better me.

I take 2012 one of the years in my life that has taught me a lot. It showed the best in me and the weakest in me.

I’m going to strengthen my strengths and cut out my weakness towards 2013.
Took a break – a trip to Bangalore with my friends. Visited the radio station there; what an experience.
Then to AR Rahman’s concert… Man what a day… what a performance.
The ambience, loud good music, the mad crowd… everything was just perfect to get my 2012 completed.

Am going to try more such new things in 2013 to keep my learning graph up!

Looking forward for a wonderful 2013 with peace and love!